Senior Care News

The Pros and Cons of Involving Your Children in Your Dad’s Care

Senior Care Falls Church VA-As a family caregiver, one of your biggest questions is how to involve your children. It's nice to involve them, but you also need to weigh the emotional toll they'd face.
Senior Care Falls Church VA - The Pros and Cons of Involving Your Children in Your Dad's Care
Senior Care Falls Church VA - The Pros and Cons of Involving Your Children in Your Dad's Care

As a family caregiver, one of your biggest questions is how to involve your children. It’s nice to involve them, but you also need to weigh the emotional toll they’d face. There are pros and cons to this. Weigh them carefully to avoid additional stress on you, your dad, and your children.

Senior Care Falls Church VA - The Pros and Cons of Involving Your Children in Your Dad's Care
Senior Care Falls Church VA – The Pros and Cons of Involving Your Children in Your Dad’s Care

Pro: You Have Everyone Under One Roof

When you’re a family caregiver, you may have less time with your kids. You don’t get to see them as often as you wish you could. If you have them with you, you’ll be able to fit in time together.

Plan a day at the beach with a picnic lunch and bring your dad and kids. You’ll have a lot of fun together. It gives your dad a chance to get out of the house. Don’t forget to grab the sunscreen!

Con: His Outbursts May Upset Them

Caring for an older adult is hard. It’s hard emotionally and physically. It’s unlikely that you’re going to have your children doing the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to worry about the physical toll in most situations. You do need to worry about the emotional toll.

Spend some time as your dad’s caregiver first. See how he reacts with you. If he’s fine, you can bring your children to see how he does with them.

Before you do, explain to them why their grandfather needs care. Explain that his condition or situation may make him grumpy and that he might say things he doesn’t mean. Prepare them in advance. At his house, do not leave them alone. You don’t want him snapping or saying something mean or frightening. If he does, you need to be there for damage control.

Pro: They’ll Get to Spend Quality Time With Him

You don’t want your kids regretting that they didn’t get to know their grandfather well. Bringing them with you on days you’re caring for your dad gives them that chance to bond. They can play video games together, go birdwatching in the backyard, or draw.

Getting your children involved in your dad’s care helps them bond with their grandfather. You need to make sure that they’re not being overwhelmed. Hire senior care aides to do the more intimate tasks like toileting, bathing, and grooming. Leave tasks like playing games and providing companionship to your kids. Call our senior care agency to make arrangements.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Senior Care Services in Falls Church VA, please contact the caring staff at Access Home Care Inc. Proudly Serving Northern Virginia and Surroundings for over 12 years. Call Us: (703) 765-9350.

Anna Mensah-Nti, MSN-Ed, BSN, RN Founder
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