Senior Care News

Five Services that Make Aging in Place Easier

Home Care Services Alexandria VA-If your elderly family member is determined to age in place on her own, it’s worth determining how to make that as easy as possible for her.
Home Care Services Alexandria VA - Five Services that Make Aging in Place Easier
Home Care Services Alexandria VA - Five Services that Make Aging in Place Easier

If your elderly family member is planning to stay right where she is for the foreseeable future, it’s probably time to look into the different types of help she might need.

Home Care Services Alexandria VA - Five Services that Make Aging in Place Easier
Home Care Services Alexandria VA – Five Services that Make Aging in Place Easier

Housekeeping Helpers

Housekeeping services take care of those big and little tasks that every home needs to keep a handle on in order to run smoothly. Your senior might still be able to do a lot of those tasks on her own, but find that it burns a lot of her energy for her to do so. Conserving energy by letting someone else do the dusting and the vacuuming can really pay off for your senior.

Food Preparation, Cleanup, and Even Delivery

Just as keeping up with housekeeping tasks can wear on your senior, so too can keeping up with cooking and other aspects of preparing meals. Your senior can get herself in trouble quickly with this problem, too. If she’s not eating enough or if she’s eating foods with empty calories, she’s not going to have the energy she needs. Having someone come in and cook for her can take all of that pressure off her.

Lawn Care and Mowing Assistance

Even a small yard requires mowing and other maintenance. If your elderly family member has always handled this herself, she might need to hand it over to another person. Small container gardens can be easy enough to manage, but mowing, edging, and weed eating might be a little too much.

Transportation Help

Driving is another potential slippery spot for your senior. If she’s driving now, that may not continue to be an option for her for very long. It’s not good for her to have no way to get around, though, and this is where many seniors dig in their heels and refuse to quit driving. Having another option for her, like having someone who can do the driving safely, changes that dynamic.

Help Taking Care of Pets

Pets are incredibly helpful to your elderly family member, but taking care of those pets can be a big task for her. Having someone who can come in and walk dogs several times a day, deal with cat boxes, and make sure pets are fed and healthy can make the difference between your senior being able to keep her pet with her or not.

Home care services can tackle several of these situations for you. Home care services providers also offer companionship and a way for you to keep up with how well your elderly family member is doing. Their assistance can be invaluable as you and your elderly family member navigate the challenges she faces as she ages in place.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Care Services in Alexandria VA, please contact the caring staff at Access Home Care Inc. Proudly Serving Northern Virginia and Surroundings for over 12 years. Call Us: (703) 765-9350.

Anna Mensah-Nti, MSN-Ed, BSN, RN Founder
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