Senior Care News

How Can I Boost My Elderly Parent’s Health?

Home Care in Alexandria VA: It’s a lot of work being a family caregiver. Not only are you responsible for their physical health, but their mental and emotional health as well.
Home Care in Alexandria VA: Boost Parent’s Health
Home Care in Alexandria VA: Boost Parent’s Health

It’s a lot of work being a family caregiver.
Not only are you responsible for their physical health, but their mental and emotional health as well. It’s important to take advantages of all the resources available to you and your aging loved one regarding their health. There’s no better time to implement good health habits to ensure that they are comfortable, safe, and thriving as best they can.


Home Care in Alexandria VA: Boost Parent’s Health
Home Care in Alexandria VA: Boost Parent’s Health


When you have a few moments, take some time to evaluate your aging loved one’s health and see if there are any areas that you can improve on. Here are a few of the most common ways to boost an elderly parent’s health and wellness.


Visit the Doctor Regularly

One of the most important things you can do for your aging mom or dad is to schedule regular checkups. An early diagnosis of just about every health issue is better because treatments can begin sooner and have better results. Seniors especially benefit from regular appointments, so doctors can monitor existing conditions and spot new developments before they become big problems.


Diet and Exercise

Even frail seniors can benefit from a healthy diet and moderate activity. The body works so much better when it has all the vitamins and nutrients it needs to stay healthy. While exercise may be more difficult for seniors to do, depending on their current health, they can still do chair aerobics, tai chi, swim, stretches, and other active lifestyle things to get the benefits of fitness.


Make the Home Senior-Friendly

Unfortunately, injuries at home are very common with seniors, especially from slip and fall accidents. Family caregivers can help aging adults modify the home to make it safer. Some common modifications include grab-bars by the shower and toilet, removing throw rugs, boosting lights in dark hallways and stairs, installing a raised toilet, and changing out round doorknobs for levered ones.


Hiring a Senior Care Provider

Often, there’s a point where aging adults really can’t be on their own anymore for their own safety and comfort. Many families hire senior care providers to come to the house and assist their loved one with many daily tasks, such as laundry, light housekeeping, meal and snack preparation, dressing and grooming. The senior care provider also offers companionship and company to aging adults who might otherwise be lonely.

When elderly adults struggle with health issues, it can make them feel down and depressed. They really rely on you to help them maintain optimal living conditions and personal health. It’s important that you focus on your aging loved one’s overall needs because health and wellness are so interconnected. If they are supported and looked after in all the physical, mental and emotional ways possible, they will be happier and healthier, too.


If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Care in Alexandria, VA, please contact the caring staff at Access Home Care Inc. Proudly Serving Northern Virginia and Surroundings for over 12 years.Call Us: (703) 765-9350

Anna Mensah-Nti, MSN-Ed, BSN, RN Founder
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