Senior Care News

How Well Do You Know Your Mom’s Neighbors? Here’s Why You Should…

Elder Care in Lorton VA: Do you know any of your mom's neighbors? It's not uncommon to hear of people who have never even met their own neighbors. It's understandable if you've never met the people living next door or across the street from your mom.
Elder Care in Lorton VA: Knowing Your Senior's Neighbor's
Elder Care in Lorton VA: Knowing Your Senior's Neighbor's

Do you know any of your mom’s neighbors? It’s not uncommon to hear of people who have never even met their own neighbors. It’s understandable if you’ve never met the people living next door or across the street from your mom. You should, however, and here’s why.


Elder Care in Lorton VA: Knowing Your Senior's Neighbor's
Elder Care in Lorton VA: Knowing Your Senior’s Neighbor’s


Neighbors Provide Companionship

If your mom lives alone, a neighbor can be a source of companionship. While your mom is out walking her dog or working in her garden, her neighbor can stop by for a quick chat. Even if it’s not a long time, your mom will benefit from talking to someone and breaking up her normal routine.

As your mom gets to know her neighbors, she may find herself joining her neighbor for a walk or cup of coffee. She might find herself gaining a helper as she works in the garden. Neighbors may decide to hold a potluck block party where all of the people on your street get together. These gatherings improve security and socialization for everyone on a street.


Neighbors Can Alert You to Unusual Activity

Your mom’s mail is piling up. She hasn’t gone outside in two days. You don’t live close enough to check on her. When a neighbor is paying attention, they can notify you if something seems off. With that information, you can ask authorities to perform a welfare check. You can also make the drive and see if your mom is okay.

Neighbors can also alert you to unusual cars in the driveway or people they don’t recognize coming in and out of the house. It may turn out to be nothing, but if it is, you can get your mom help before it’s too late.


Neighbors Are Handy for Emergency Situations

When your mom knows her neighbors, she has someone nearby for emergencies. If her carbon monoxide detector goes off, she has a house she can go to and call the fire department or gas company and wait for them to find the problem. She can go to her neighbors if her furnace stops working or there’s a fire.

In addition to having neighbors as a back-up for emergencies, your mom should have someone checking on her during the week. Caregivers can help her with housework, cook meals, and take her shopping. Home care services also include medication reminders, bedding changeovers, and laundry. Learn more by calling a home care agency.


If you or an aging loved one is considering Elder Care in Lorton, VA, please contact the caring staff at Access Home Care Inc. Proudly Serving Northern Virginia and Surroundings for over 12 years. Call Us: (703) 765-9350

Anna Mensah-Nti, MSN-Ed, BSN, RN Founder
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