Senior Care News

What Is Companion Care?

Elder Care in Arlington VA: If you're not sure what the term "companion care" means, you're not alone. Equally confusing is the fact that the term can mean quite a few different things.
Elder Care in Arlington VA: Companion Care
Elder Care in Arlington VA: Companion Care

Companion care is a term that you might run into as a family caregiver, but you may not realize all that it encompasses. As a companion for your senior, elderly care providers can perform many of the functions that you do for her, but also some of the functions that you’re not able to handle on her behalf.

Elder Care in Arlington VA: Companion Care
Elder Care in Arlington VA: Companion Care

It Can Mean Simple Companionship

In its simplest form, companion care is having someone available who can be a companion for your senior. This is a vital part of helping your senior avoid the perils of loneliness, since this can set her up for bigger issues, such as depression. This is someone that your aging adult might enjoy playing card games with, reading with, or just enjoying whatever happens during their visit. This type of care can also help you to keep an eye on specific situations with your senior, such as mobility.


Help Around the House

If your elderly family member needs a little more help around the house then elderly care providers can offer that type of assistance. Light housekeeping, handling the dishes, and even meal preparation are all some of the many types of household assistance your senior might need. Home care providers can also help your senior to run errands, especially if she doesn’t drive on her own any longer.


Mobility Assistance

Mobility problems, such as trouble walking or rising from a sitting position, can be particularly troubling for you as your senior’s caregiver. Having someone with her who is experienced in managing these sorts of issues can help you and your elderly family member to feel more secure about the situation. Senior care providers with experience handling mobility issues can also teach you quite a bit about how to manage assistive devices and situations that may have been difficult in the past.


Respite Care for Caregivers

It’s also important to remember that elderly care providers can be just the people that you need in order to take time away for yourself. You can’t be on duty as a caregiver day in and day out with no breaks at all. That’s unreasonable and will wear you completely out if you’re not careful. Having someone that you can rely on while you are away can make taking the time that you need much easier than it might have been otherwise.

Getting past the terminology can help you to determine what exactly you need from elderly care providers in order to get the best mix of assistance.


If you or an aging loved one is considering Elder Care in Arlington, VA, contact the caring staff at Access Home Care Inc. Proudly Serving Northern Virginia and Surroundings for over 12 years. Call Us: (703) 765-9350

Anna Mensah-Nti, MSN-Ed, BSN, RN Founder
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